The Mustard Seed

Does anyone know what a mustard seed is or how big it is?

A mustard seed is the size of 1 or 2 millimeters and it grows into the biggest of all the plants.

So many times in life I have been thrown curve balls, seen pot holes that look like sink holes, and I even choose the wrong road to travel down. Do you know what I have noticed in my years as a growing Christian? I have noticed that only God will be there in the end. God provides you with the family and friends that you need in that moment to get you through that obstacle. Sometimes He will even allow them to stay to help you stay encouraged on the narrow path that He has in store for you.

When these obstacles arise, the ones that look like Mount Everest or the buildings that are as tall as The Burg Khalifa. What do we do? We call a friend or family and most of mine always say to pray, some listen and just say that sucks. Now before calling my friends or family, I go directly to God.

Let me tell you a little about my own personal experience with The Mustard Seed. Prayer, at first it seemed so challenging and I would say that the mustard seed is bigger than you think. Simply saying “God I can’t do this and I need you” and believing with your heart that He is listening to your prayer is what the size of a mustard seed means. It’s starts so small and grows into the biggest plant out there. The mustard seed is our faith, starts so small, until we blossom into this big beautiful God fearing person. Just a little bit of faith will help you grow into the person that you don’t feel ashamed of or the person that doesn’t feel like a failure.

Ever feel like you are failing those around you? Failing yourself? Failing life? Failing God? The faith of a mustard seed is where you start and watch how God turns your life around. Let Him use you as an example, we are all His children and He loves us all.

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